So... do you still have Halloween photos lying around waiting to be scrapped ? I have the perfect freebie here for you to make that job a little easier. This kit is full of gorgeous elements including a Haunted House and 2 Friendly Ghosts!
Kit contains:
6 papers - textured
2 badges
2 brads
3 charms
2 flowers
3 pagewraps
2 tags
and heaps of spooky elements to add to your Halloween pages! Witches and Bats and Cats... Oh My!

Link to download Part One HERE .
Link to download Part Two HERE . Password if required is "haunting" without the quotes. Links updated to Mediafire, see current post
I also have a matching Alpha - A slimy ooey gooey fluro green Alpha designed to enhance your Halloween layouts! Styles and Drop Shadows have been added to this product.
Kit includes:
26 Ooey Gooey Slimy Upper case letters
10 Numbers
2 Punctuation

Link to download Alpha HERE link removed. Password is "haunting" without quotes!
and to finish off, I have been making some little pants for Lachlan, only a few more weeks til he is finally here! These are from Ottobre magazine 1/2009 #2 in a 50cm size. I made the waist a little smaller on the front two pairs after thinking that the original length allowed was too large. I hope they don't cut him in two now ! LOL

Thanks for looking and please come back and leave a comment if you download, I really appreciate you taking that extra time to leave your thoughts!
Have a great day wherever you are!