Kit contains:
6 papers - textured
2 badges
2 brads
3 charms
2 flowers
3 pagewraps
2 tags
and heaps of spooky elements to add to your Halloween pages! Witches and Bats and Cats... Oh My!
Link to download Part One HERE .
Link to download Part Two HERE . Password if required is "haunting" without the quotes. Links updated to Mediafire, see current post
I also have a matching Alpha - A slimy ooey gooey fluro green Alpha designed to enhance your Halloween layouts! Styles and Drop Shadows have been added to this product.
Kit includes:
26 Ooey Gooey Slimy Upper case letters
10 Numbers
2 Punctuation
Link to download Alpha HERE link removed. Password is "haunting" without quotes!
and to finish off, I have been making some little pants for Lachlan, only a few more weeks til he is finally here! These are from Ottobre magazine 1/2009 #2 in a 50cm size. I made the waist a little smaller on the front two pairs after thinking that the original length allowed was too large. I hope they don't cut him in two now ! LOL

Thanks for looking and please come back and leave a comment if you download, I really appreciate you taking that extra time to leave your thoughts!
Have a great day wherever you are!
What a cute kit, thank you very much.
I got most of the files, but every one says corrupt files when I try to unzip the files (allows me to get part of the items, but missing some in every zip file). Anybody else having a problem?
Thanks again, love this kit.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Hi, I might have some patterns you can borrow if you like. They have pants with feet sewn into them and also a Kimono style top as well as a t-shirt. They look cute and are easy to make .... I made lots for my son years ago. Just let me know and if you are interested I'll have a look through some other patterns.
Hugs, Keryn
What adorable pants for Lachlan!
Thanks for the kit, never too late for Halloween. Love it!!!
Love the cute pants. How blessed he is to have you anticipating his arrival!
The file says The link that you requested is not valid. I got the alphas and part one on first link but can't get two when you reloaded them. Sorry
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