Sometime ago I planted some Marigold seedlings in the hope of finding something that would survive on our meager rainfall (I am NOT a gardener, see all the weeds!! LOL ) and although they are still tiny, they haven't done too badly. I even got flowers :) but we haven't had any rain for a while now, so they are looking a little sad. We have bore water we can use on the garden, it is mostly used for the cattle, but it is pumped up from a bore to a huge tank out the back, but when we tried to water my poor flowers, we discovered it was empty. Gary rang the landlord to ask him to pump up some water for us, and, after getting a few feet of water in it, we thought we were good to go.

Oh No! couldn't be that easy! When we first started cleaning out the swimming pool, very neglected for a few years, we discovered it was full of these horrible bugs.... dragonfly larvae would you believe... still makes me shudder to think of them.... This Bore water tank is also the water source we use to fill the swimming pool and it too is full of these larvae! YUK! and tadpoles... and other yummy bugs and wildlife. (To fill the pool we did eventually figure out to have the hose going through the leaf net first to catch all the critters before it went in the pool).
Well, back to my flower watering problem.... as the tank was practically empty, all the bugs had entered the pipe work and blocked it up. So Gary had to grab the pick axe and dig up the pipes so he could undo section by section to clean it out! So gross... full of these larvae! YUK!
but.... he did manage to clean the pipes out and fortunately the blockages were close to the tank and easy to get to. Goodness knows what we would've done if we had had to dig further as the pipe does get quite deep. Now... my flowers have had a lovely drink, the bulbs in another bed were watered and the fish have slightly more than a few inches in their fishpond! All in well with the world LOL

Bet you thought I was never going to get to the freebie hey! LOL

Download Part Three HERE Link removed. Password if required is "octopus" without the quotes. Please leave a comment if you download, I read them all and you make me smile!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Thanks so much caz.. Love this digi kit you are so talented.
Awesome! Sounds like you have had plenty of water issues for the rest of the year. What is the net on the fish pond for? Keeping something out? Thanks!
Amazing kit - you are getting the parts up so quickly that I haven't been able to download them quickly enough! Great kit Caz!! Thanks.
Thank you for the very cute kit!
More goodies! I can't wait to use this kit. Thank you so much!
Sounds like you and dh have been busy-I can't stand bugs either. Glad your flowers are finally getting a drink of water. I love gardening and planting but hate watering the planters every day. Thanks for the cute kit!
thank you!!
Thank you so much....I am so going to enjoy using cute! :)
I'm glad the weather is improving for you. Thanks again so much for the beautiful kit.
Thanks for the fishing freebie!!
Thank you for sharing your talent! Love the fishy kit. Joanie :)
Thank you for part 3, this kit will be fun to scrap with!
I love reading your stories, especially when you add photos.
Thanks for the file, too.
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