We have a slow combustion heater in another room (we had the dining room table in there, rarely used) off the kitchen, and we did use this a few times last winter to dry clothes, but it is too small a room to use as a lounge and now we have set it up for Rebekah and Chris when they visit including the cot for our new grandbaby when he/she finally arrives!
Rebekah had her 12 week scan yesterday and finally, this baby is a reality! He/she is 5.8cm long and looking very healthy. Bec had to go for a walk as the baby was so relaxed, hands behind head lying down in the curve of her womb, that the Doctor couldn't get measurements. After the walk though, bub was doing aerobics and gave a final wave as they finished up the scan. Bec and Chris ordered a DVD, I can't wait to see my grandchild in action!
We did get curtains up in the Games Room yesterday. This room has a full wall of glass, sliding door and two glass panels looking over the swimming pool. However, when Nicholas has friends over, they all camp out in there and it gets really cold overnight. We have been talking about the need for curtains in there for ages, but finally got them up. I do think that curtains finish off a room, and this one looks great. Now we want to repaint!
but now.... the real reason you are here.... The last installment of "Summer Fun"

Link to download Part Four HERE Link removed. Password if required is "sunburnt" without the quotes! Please leave a comment if you download, it only takes a moment to say Hi and thanks!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Thanks, I grabbed both 3 and 4. Now make sure you stay warm over there. Sounds like that baby is going to be a little pistol. ;-)
Thanks Caz--got them just in time--we leave for vacation tomorrow a.m. Thanks for a fun kit!
Love the baby stories! Keep them coming.
Also love all the textures you put in those papers. Wow! Thanks.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [18 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you for this fun kit...I can't wait to use it if summer every comes here...it's been drizzling rain and sleet for weeks!
As to your heating, have you considered cove heaters? My folks put them in their new house and I was skeptical, but now we think they are great! They don't take up a lot of room and each room has a thermostat, so you only heat the rooms you need when you need them. I'm not sure if electrical systems are different there, but I did a quick search and here is a place to start. http://www.radiantsystemsinc.com/
Keep warm and thanks again!
Thanks Caz...another BEAUTIFUL kit!!
Sorry you are having such miserable weather! It sounds like you didn't open the damper...been there, done that! LOL! Hopefully you'll find a way to keep warm! Your game room sounds lovely! I would love to have a room like that...but I would probably want it as my scrap room! Nothing better than a wonderful view while scrapping!
Looking forward to baby pics too!
Thank you for part 4. I don't know about Australia but here in Michigan the landlord pays to have heating installed in the house. The renter may have to pay the heating costs but that depends on the lease. I glad I'm not in your shoes as I won't want to pay for something in a rental unit. Here at my house I have a gas furnance. I understand the cost as I'm always telling my husband to use a throw blanket.
OK, I'm slowly getting into this digital thing... knew that I had to save this kit because I want to use it badly! Thanks Caz for an awesome kit! -amaraob1 from VDBC
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