Another 12mls of rain since Monday... good grief! Our tanks are full, times like this we wish we had another couple of larger above ground tanks to catch all this water just slipping away.
We went for a walk on the weekend down to the dam in the next paddock. This dam has been emptying rapidly since we moved in and was down to a very small puddle in the bottom. Even the turtles living in it were struggling to stay under the water as there just wasn't enough. Even the rain we had earlier in the year didn't do much to fill it as the ground was so dry. but..... with all the rain we have had recently a lot made it into this dam. So much so that a new dam appeared as the larger dam further up the hill overflowed. Our dam has also overflowed and a second dam over the fence has also overflowed.
Not so long ago, Nicholas and a friend camped on the banks of the dam over the fence, now they would be very wet as that flat area has disappeared. After a fishing trip and we had some yabbies leftover, Gary and Nicholas had to walk down the side of the dam to release them in the water, now the water is maybe two feet lower than the bank. The track between the two dams is a muddy puddle and of course, it has dried out quite a bit since the rain. It was so beautiful down there and so peaceful. Mollie also had a ball. Now we are working on patching up Nicholas's canoe (it is vinyl) so that he can have a paddle in the water before it disappears.
(PS The Yabby or Yabbies is a fresh water crustacian found in Australia, which is sometimes used for bait)

Looking back towards the new dam that appeared.

Looking towards the track that runs between the two dams

Mollie having a wonderful time

Our beautiful boy....

Looking from the house down towards the dams
Today I have the second installment for "In Gear Too" . Thank you for all the positive comments, I have really enjoyed creating this kit. I also worked on some more quickpages using pieces from this new Addon as well as the original Kit. These will be posted after the kit has finished. Don't forget that you can use pieces of the two kits to further enhance the Quickpages to make them your own.
Link to download Part Two HERE Link removed. Password of required is "sprocket" without the formatting. Please leave a comment if you download, I do appreciate them all. I am really grateful to see I have yet another Follower, thanks to those of you that feel I am worth your time.
Have a great day wherever you are!