Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm in
If you get a chance, please check out my Store. With National Scrapbooking Day (NSD) coming up, specials will be rife all over the Store and give you a chance to pick up some bargains.
Back soon...
Have a great day wherever you are!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
New layout for VDBC
file by Chris Durnan called Happily Ever After designed for personal cutters such as KNK, Wishblade, Craft Robo and so on. The kit and the template used are mine.

Aren't they gorgeous!
Thanks for looking, have a great day wherever you are!
New layout for IL
This Kit is gorgeous too, full of fun elements and papers just perfect for kids, play, artwork and imaginative games! Lovely bright colours and lots to choose from on your layouts.

Thanks for looking :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Huge News!!
This means that freebies on my blog will only be available for a sort time, so once gone, you will find them in the Store under Aussie Caz Designs.
I will post more news to let you all know when I am ready to sell :)
have a great day wherever you are!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
New freebie - Upper Case Alpha

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New freebie for Sweet Garden kit!
but.... for those of you patient enough to keep checking my Blog to see if there is anything happening... another freebie to match the Sweet Garden Kit. This is one part of an Alpha that I have created to match! So , check back for the other bits....
Today, is a Lower Case Alpha to go with Sweet Garden. However, as it is plain coloured, it would be useful wherever you wanted to use it :)
Sorry links no longer available
Link to download from Mediafire HERELink to download at 4Shared HERE
Sorry forgot to mention the PASSWORD: "iagreetoTOU" without the quotes!

Friday, April 17, 2009
new freebie

This Album includes 6 pages, a Front and Back cover and 6 blank pages for you to journal on or decorate as you see fit!
Sorry links no longer available
Link One
Link Two
Link Three
These links are for Mediafire, I will try to upload to 4Shared later today! Please leave a comment if you download!
4Shared Links:
Link One
Link Two
Link Three
password to download is "iagreetoTOU" without the quotes!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
More links for PlayTime
I can upload so much easier with Mediafire, I can queue 4 links and when one is done, I can get the download link to share straight away, and it will continue with the next upload. If my Internet drops out, it will pick up where it left off, without corrupting the file. I love that! I don't like not being able to password protect my files, although that doesn't appear to have been an issue so far, and I don't like that comments cannot be left by people downloading the files. However, I really don't like people having issues getting the download links to actually download! me included!!
Please understand, I don't have the time, the Internet allowance or, to be honest, the inclination to upload to two file sharing sites, so we are going to have to make do ! I have uploaded all the files to 4Shared and have the links here for you, but this will not be a normal occurrence as it just takes too long. It takes all the fun out of creating something to share when it is so hard to get it out into Cyberspace.
4Shared will only upload one file at a time, yes I know I can do more, but that never works for me. If I upload a file and something goes wrong, I have to start again, it has taken several goes to successfully get all 4 files uploaded, too much like hard work.
On the whole, from an uploader's point of view (if there is such a word) , I prefer Mediafire. It is kinder to me and my uploading if my Internet connection is not playing nice.
BUT.... after that ramble.... here are the links to the files hosted on 4Shared.

Password to download is "iagreetoTOU" without the quotes.
Sorry, Links no longer available
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
I do hope that between the two sites, you are able to get successful download of the entire kit!
have a great day wherever you are!
PlayTime kit
Please keep trying !
have a great day wherever you are!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New Freebie kit

Links to download here: Sorry, Links no longer available
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Happy Easter all!! Have a great day wherever you are!
Friday, April 10, 2009
New layout and last installments of Sweet Garden kit!

and here are the final two parts of "Sweet Garden". But............ come back next week for a Bonus addition to this Kit!
Sorry links no longer available
Part Nine
Part Ten
Please leave a comment if you download, and a HUGE thanks to those that have already done so!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Moooos Flash! card and next freebie!
I have created this card in PS, and so have cheated in the preview :) I have included the Front and the Inside views of the card on the one page so that you can see both views in the one pic. I have only used the cow from Chris's file and you can see how easy it is to just use parts of Chris's files or the whole, whichever suits your needs at the time. I adore this cow, and I can see me using it over and over!

and now..........
The next installment of "Sweet Garden" freebie
Sorry links no longer available
Download Part Seven and Part Eight here
Please leave a comment if you download, I do love reading them all!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Next Freebie Installment and a Bonus!
Part Six of "Sweet Garden" - Download HERE Sorry link no longer available
Link to download Quickpage HERE
Here is a preview of Pam's latest kit, isn't it just gorgeous! Click on the preview to be taken right to the Store!

have a great day wherever you are!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
This has taken me far too long....

Thanks for looking, and
Have a great day wherever you are!
Next Freebie Installment
Sorry link no longer available
Part Five
Please leave a comment if you download, and a huge thanks to those that already have!
More later.....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Next Freebie Installment
Sorry link no longer available
Part Four
All I have time for at this minute, but .... I'll be back!!
have a great day wherever you are!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
More layouts
This next one is a layout created using "Fish Camp", a new kit designed by Wetfish Designs. Cyndi has this kit entered in a Designer Challenge over at Funky Playground Designs and whilst you are checking out her kit, you can download everyone elses submissions as well. Don't forget to leave 'em some love if you download.
This layout is my DH, Gary, playing up after catching a carp in the River Murray in South Australia. We have a fishing guy here, famous, called Rex Hunt, and on his shows, whatever he catches, he kisses and then throws back! So I made Gary do the same. Hilarious!!

Thanks for looking :)
cheers, caz
Next Freebie Installment
Sorry link no longer available
Part Three
Please leave a comment if you download, and dont forget to think about the questions I have posed. Thanks!
Have a great day wherever you are!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Some more layouts for a couple of Challenges

Next Freebie Installment
Sorry link no longer available
Part Two
Here is my layout submitted for the CC over at Inspiration Lane. Thanks for looking, enjoy the freebies.

Have a great day wherever you are!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
New layouts

These are some photos of my DS, Nicholas (in the yellow) and his friend Haydn on a visit to the Melbourne Museum's Dinosaur exhibit a few yrs ago. The children were given tools to "dig" for "fossils" in a gigantic sandpit. They had a ball!
Thanks for looking!
It's that time of the month again....

See what you have to look forward to :) I have mixed it up though, so in each part you will get a couple of papers and some elements. So make sure you keep checking for the next part so that you get all the pieces!
Sorry link no longer available
Link to download Day One
Please leave a comment if you download, I really appreciate them all.
NOTE: I have received a couple of comments of people being unable to download from Mediafire. I too found the same problem when checking my files. This solution worked for me, so give it a try if you are having issues. I found that I couldn't download from Mediafire if I was logged into my Mediafire account, so if this is you as well, make sure you have logged out of your Mediafire account before trying to download the files. This worked for me even on other peoples files that I was unable to download previously, I logged out of my Mediafire account.... and no more issues, found the download file and downloaded successfully.
Have a great day wherever you are!