link removed is the link to download and the password is "breeze" without the quotes

Have a lovely weekend :)
Download "R" here Link removed
Download "S" here Link removed
Don't forget that if you need a password it is "AlphAbet" without the quotes. Take note of the Upper and Lower case.
Download "P" here Link removed
Download "Q" here Link removed
Have a great day!
Aren't we all so cute LOL
Have a great day.... see you soon !
Link to download "N" here Link removed
Link to download "O" here Link removed
Don't forget the password: AlphAbet
and the link to download is here Link removed
and the link for "M" here Link removed
and don't forget the magic password: AlphAbet
Have a great day!
Link to download "J" page here Link removed
Link to download "K" here Link removed
and remember the password is "AlphAbet" without the quotes.
I have also entered a page in the Color Line Design Quick Page Exchange. Here is mine, so if you want a free mini kit and an album to match, check out the Forum at the beginning of next month. You have to sign up by the 7th of the month, then you get a free mini-kit with which you create your quickpage. This is the second month in a row I have participated, and the album you get in return for one page made by you is fantastic! So don't forget next month!
Link to download "H" page here Link removed
Link to download "I" page here Link removed
Remember password is "AlphAbet" (no quotes) and please leave a comment if you download. Back soon with some more for you, til then have a great day.
Happy Mother's day to all !!
Link to download "G" page here Link removed . Don't forget the password is "AlphAbet". 'til next time :)
Link to download "D" here Link removed
Link to download "E" here Link removed
Password is "AlphAbet" , so don't forget!
Link to download "B" page here link removed
Link to download "C" page here Link removed
I was thinking of ways that these pages could be used. One lady wanted to use the "A" page for her grandson whose name began with "A". So that is one way, you could just wait until I post the relevant letter and then use it as a "name" page. A second way to use them would be to create an ABC Album for someone where each page shows something that is important to, or relevant to them. For a small child this could be as simple as a descriptive word such as "A - Adorable, Angel, Asleep" and so on. The pages could also be used to make an ABC book for a child that held pictures of objects that they were familiar with. This can be a great early reading tool as children recognise the picture and then learn to reconise the printed word. For example: "A - Apple, Alligator, Aeroplane" and so on. As soon as I am a bit more organised...... haha...... I will post some ABC lists and links to find some more ideas, so stayed tuned!