Wednesday, August 17, 2011

so long since I have posted

but we have been amazingly busy...

just back from a 2 week rush trip to Adelaide to see my Dad, suddenly rushed to hospital seriously ill. Our foster son has also been keeping us on our toes and I just don't seem to get to the computer as much as I would like.

oh... and did I mention, the laptop threw a fit and I had to re-install all my stuff, and I am still finding programs I need and have yet to install. We also made a move from a cold side of the house to a warm side of the house, thanks to a recently installed second hand wood heater. All this has kept me very busy.....

but.... I promise to be back on track soon with a new freebie for you all.

have a wonderful day wherever you are!


Julie said...

Hope all goes well with your dad and your foster son! Thoughts and prayers!

Lisa Avolio said...

So glad you are home again. Hope life eases up soon. I've been praying for your family.