I have been working on this kit for ages. It has an Autumn theme and I realise a lot of you are now heading into Summer, but here in the Southern Hemisphere, we are heading into colder months and so I am stuck in Autumn.... this season is also my favourite :)

As you can see. this kit is HUGE!

Kit contains:
12 papers - patterned and 12 papers - plain
2 bows, 2 brads, 2 butterflies, 3 buttons, 1 charm, 3 flowers, 1 folded paper, 3 frames, 3 leaves, 1 pageborder, 4 ribbons, 2 stars, 3 stickers, 3 strings, 4 tags, 2 tassels and 1 wordart!! Whew!!
I have broken this kit into 7 downloads and will be giving them away, one at a time, over the next couple of weeks. Please come back and make sure you get all the parts. The files have been uploaded to 4shared, downloaded and checked to make sure they are not corrupt. This has taken weeks to achieve so I hope you don't have any issues getting the complete set of zips.
Link to download Part One HERE Link removed. Password if required is "scarecrow" without the formatting. Please leave a comment if you download. The time it takes you to say thanks is minuscule compared to the effort I am putting in to bring you this freebie and I really appreciate all comments!