I have a couple of freebies for you today, but first you have to read my moaning :)
Well, we have had the most frustrating three days!! We are in the process of trying to change our car registration from South Australia to New South Wales. NSW is very strict on car regos. You have to take the car to a mechanic that can do a rego check and they go over the car with a fine tooth comb making sure it is road worthy and okay to register in this State. South Australia is not nearly so fussy, so long as you pay the rego every time it is due; they don’t really care what state (as in, condition) the car is in LOL
I should be grateful I guess as it is this State's way of trying to reduce the number of unroadworthy cars on the road but it had turned into a nightmare for us. I swear this car we have hates us! It has been nothing but trouble since we bought it. We had to make a trip into Orange (75kms away) to see a mechanic as the one we use locally (35kms away) cannot to this first rego check... called a "Blue Slip". The car was booked in a 9am weeks ago and told it would take about 1-1/2hrs. Then when we showed up, we were told there were several people in front of us and it would take 2 1/2 hrs. I had another CT scan booked for 11:30am so we thought we would just make it. We wandered around killing time for a while and then went back to the mechanic at 11am. Just as well, I had to get them to drive me to the Hospital so I didn’t miss my appt and Gary didn’t show up to pick me up till after 12:30pm and he was not a happy man! The mechanics had been at the car for over three hours and they hadn’t done a single thing as they couldn’t find or confirm the engine number against the registration papers we had from South Australia. 3 hours and nothing!! and we had to take the car to the Crime Unit at Bathurst Police Station (another 1hour further away from us) to get it checked by the Police to make sure it wasn’t a stolen engine! NOT HAPPY!! As you can imagine.
So, Saturday morning, instead of having a well deserved sleep-in as Nicholas's Cricket was a "Bye", we had to get up and drive all the way to Bathurst (about 160kms away) for this Policeman to have a go at checking the car. He assured us that this check shouldn’t take more than an hour so, as we took Mollie with us (our 12 week old pup), we sat outside on the brick wall in whatever shade we could find. (All these days have been over 36C mind you). After a couple of hours, he came out and suggested we come and look at what he couldn’t find on the car. There were two of them looking and they couldn’t find the engine number anywhere…. #$%^& FORD, put things where no-one could ever find them!! Anyway, Gary helped them look and did find a partial number but it had been damaged. So now the Policeman had to go and check his computer and work with some chemical to see if they could bring up the number for him to confirm it for the next step in registering the car. But no!! Another hour passed and he couldn’t find any more information so now we have to apply to the RTA (regional transport authority) to get a new number which we then have to get stamped on the engine block. And it is a long number and the engine is covered with crap stuff, like pollution reducing stuff and so on, so there is barely a flat surface anywhere where they could put this #$%^& number…. And we are NOT HAPPY all over again. Both Gary and I are on disability pensions, so money is tight, as it is for most people I imagine, so all these major trips into Orange and so forth are really digging into our petrol allowance money, and now we have another trip back to Orange to get this number stamped on the engine block, and then to get the rego check done, and then…. possibly another trip in to fix the stuff they find is wrong to get it passed this rego check so that we can registered the blasted car in New South Wales…. Then we get twelve months off, before we have to check the next check done (a PINK slip this time) for the next yrs rego. We should’ve moved to Tasmania LOL
Anyway, enough moaning, here are a couple freebies for you as a reward for reading this far :)

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Link to download PSD format here
Link to download PNG format here
Password to download is "create" without the quotes! Please leave a comment if you download.
Here is a layout created by bestest friend Pam, using Template Three and also my Rose Splendor kit.
And your second freebie... some time ago I created a kit for the Lyric Challenge and the Progressive Challenge at TSG. These challenges didnt have as many participants as we had hoped and so Pam has given me permission to post the rewards here as freebies for all. Today you get the Kit, but don't forget to check back later as there is an Album as well.

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Link to download Part One here
Link to download Part Two here
Link to download part Three here
Password to download is "julieandrews"
Please leave a comment if you download. Thank you :)
Have a great day wherever you are! and I'm off..... it has taken me over three hours to get this post uploaded as we keep getting chucked off the Internet connection. Apparently, out ISP blames the heat! I'm not so sure, but I will stop nattering and get this posted before I get chucked off again!