I notice I have been absent for so long, I lost a Follower, oh well! them's the breaks in Blogger World. I do apologise for being absent for so long without a new freebie, but I finally went on holidays with my family! We had a wonderful time away, firstly a week in Queensland where we went to SeaWorld, DreamWorld, White Water World, visited Gary's sister and nephew and then Fishing!
relaxing at White Water World!
My boys after the Big Bucket !!
Then off to Port Macquarie on the mid north New South Wales coast for the Easter long weekend for more fishing (we took our Tinny) and a visit to TimberTown. Nicholas and Stevie had a lesson in Whip Cracking. Nicholas was so good that the teacher spent time with him getting him to use his left hand (he is right-handed) and then use two hands at once. We were so impressed and he enjoyed it so much, we ended up buying him a Whip, which he can crack like a pro!
We all went for a ride in the Tinny on the Hastings River, it was beautiful! Gary and Nicholas went back to do some fishing and caught a few nice fish, which they were kind enough to release to swim another day!
Back home again and a mountain of washing to get through. How is it that one makes so much of the stuff while away! I even did a load whilst in QLD and still had loads when we returned. LOL
I do have a freebie for you all, although it is an oldie! I was asked by Ginger, a friend from VDBC for ideas for the April Bingo game whose theme was Digital! I provided this Kit and so thought I would offer it for all on my Blog as well. Some of you who have been with me for a while may already have it, sorry about that, I will try to have a new kit organised soon.

Link to download Fallin' Elements HERE .
Link to download Fallin' Papers HERE Link Removed. Password to download if required is "scarecrow" without the formatting. Please come back and leave a comment if you download, I would appreciate your time.
Have a wonderful day wherever you are!