Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hi all, I am taking part in a Sew-A-Long for the Tui Pinafore by Below The Kowhai, a New Zealand Designer.

I chose a fairy fabric I have been hanging onto forever and a lilac poplin as the lining. There are several options in the pattern and I chose the curved bodice with the curved straps.

Interfacing on the bodice, straps and the front waistband

Sewn the main and the lining bodice pieces together, turned, pressed and topstitched

Added the straps to the bodice

Added the front waistband to the bodice

I had already added the back waistband piece but forgot to take a photo of this step. This step adds inseam pockets

Add elastic to the back waistband, stitch in and then close the front waistband

So I trimmed by bodice pieces with my pinking shears way too close to the seam line. When I then turned the strap linings over to stitch down, they didn't quite catch the seam from the bodice in all spots. I grabbed some bias binding from my stash, which unfortunately was not quite the right colour (although closer than this photo appears) and used it to cover over that seam line. Works well and no-one is going to be looking at the lining.

Tested for strap position on my mani

All hemmed and straps sewn down. Not sure if sewing the straps so they can't be adjusted is such a good idea, I may unpick them and use button and buttonholes yet.

I am going to add a puffed sleeved t-shirt to this in the colour of the lining, so another post on that shortly.

Have a great day wherever you are!

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